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Addis Ababa
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Addis Ababa will see a double-decker buses

Addis Ababa will see a double-decker buses for public transport in the coming few weeks. Yesterday December 2, Metals and Engineering Corporation (MeTEC) delivered the buses which were ordered...

Arrests and ‘corruption’: Inside Saudi Arabia’s business affairs

Businessman Mohamed al-Amoudi, the second richest man in Saudi Arabia according to Forbes magazine, was among the elite players recently arrested by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s new anti-corruption...

The Great Run: Image builder and development engine

The first edition of the Great Ethiopian Run was held on November 25, 2001 with ten thousand participants. Comparing it to the celebrated great runs of other countries, the...

Oldest Liquor Factory Embraces New Packaging

National Alcohol & Liquor Factory (NALF), the pioneer alcohol producer of the nation, changed its century-old packaging by launching the new look with 3.5 million bottles costing the factory...

Hawassa should still do better

Another eventful week around the world… Mugabe in house arrest!! Our own Sheik Amoudi in ‘Ritz Carlton Jail’, accused of corruption and fraud…What a shock … The brave Sheik...

Business Crucial to Strengthen Ethio-Egytpian Relation: Ambassador Taye

Improved business relations can play a great role in strengthening the overall relationship between Egypt and Ethiopia, Ethiopia's Ambassador to Egypt Ambassador Taye Aske-Selassie said. Ambassador Taye held a roundtable...

Djibouti Offers 45% Discount for Services in Doraleh Multipurpose Port

The Government of Djibouti has announced a 45 percent price reduction in all port services in the newly built Doraleh Multipurpose Port. The reduction of price will be applicable in...

ከአበቅየለሽ እስከ ፎር ሲስተርስ

‹‹ጨዋ ሰፈር›› የሚል መጠሪያ የተሰጠው መንደር ጎንደር ውስጥ ከሚገኙ ጥንታዊ መኖሪያ አካባቢዎች አንዱ ነው፡፡ ብዙውን ጊዜ የቦታ ስያሜ የሚሰጠው በምክንያት እንደመሆኑ፣ የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎችም ለሰፈሩ የሰጡትን ስም ምክንያት ያብራራሉ፡፡ በአካባቢው...
Do we have the will to remain united? This is the question of the day!

Reform is not enough

Ethiopia is heading towards a massive crisis. We all know. Everyone from Diaspora politicians to ordinary citizens is taking a stab at how 2018 will advance disunity. Naturally EPRDF, together with other...

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Kebour Ghenna

Ethnic Identity and National Loyalty – Conflicting Direction

In Ethiopia, people are no more afraid to talk. To be precise, they do talk inside their homes and cars, or in the backrooms...
Akon in Ethiopia to mark 122nd anniversary of Battle of Adwa

Akon in Ethiopia to mark 122nd anniversary of Battle of Adwa

Senegalese-born – United States pop star, Akon, is in Ethiopia as part of events to celebrate the infamous Battle of Adwa which happened 122...
Hailu Mergia at home: ‘The Lady Is a Tramp – I love that one! My favourite is old jazz.’ Photograph: Sait Serkan Gurbuz for the Guardian

Hailu Mergia: the Ethiopian jazz legend who jams in his taxi

He fled his native country with his group, the Walias Band, in 1981 and now drives a cab in Washington DC, in which he...