Ethiopian Genna – Christmas
Ethiopia still retains the ancient Julian calendar in which Genna falls on 7 January (of the Gregorian calendar.) People in towns and villages typically dress up in their finest...
The Feast of St. Gabriel in Kulubi
28th December (Tahsas 19 in the Ethiopian calendar) is one of the two big annual St. Gabriel festivals (the other one comes on 26th July), and is the culmination...
Ethiopia is an outlier in the Orthodox Christian world
Ethiopia has the largest Orthodox Christian population outside Europe, and, by many measures, Orthodox Ethiopians have much higher levels of religious commitment than do Orthodox Christians in the faith’s...
Ethiopia: We won’t relocate our embassy to Jerusalem
We have no intention to relocate our embassy from Tel Aviv to the occupied Jerusalem, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry announced yesterday.
Speaking at a press conference, the ministry’s spokesperson, Meles...
Promoting tourism potentials for more positive outcomes
Ethiopia is blessed with enormous historic, cultural and natural tourism resources. That is why many experts on tourism and those who are fortunate enough to visit the country are...
Images of traditional lives of indigenous Ethiopian tribes shared by photographer
French photographer Eric Lafforgue has captured some stunning photography during a trip to rural Ethiopia. While there, he spent time with indigenous tribespeople, catching a glimpse into their culture...
German tourist shot dead in Ethiopia
A German tourist has been shot dead and a guide injured during a visit to a volcano in north-eastern Ethiopia. They were part of a group which had travelled to...
The Great Run: Image builder and development engine
The first edition of the Great Ethiopian Run was held on November 25, 2001 with ten thousand participants. Comparing it to the celebrated great runs of other countries, the...
ላሊበላን ለመጠበቅ የተዘረጋው የብረት ጥላ ከጥቅሙ ጉዳቱ ስላመዘነ ሊነሳ ነው
የላሊበላ ውቅር አብያተ ክርስቲያናትን ከተለያዩ የተፈጥሮ አደጋዎች ለመከላከል በሚል የከባድ የብረት ምሰሶ የተሠራው ጥላ፣ ከጥቅሙ ጉዳቱ ስላመዘነ ሊነሳ እንደሆነ የባህልና ቱሪዝም ሚኒስቴር አስታውቋል፡፡ ጥላው የተዘረጋው ቅርሱን ከዝናብ፣ ከንፋስና ከመሳሰሉት...